Saturday, July 27, 2013

Grizzly Bear with a Blog

April 3 -

Well I just woke up from my long hibernation this morning.  Boy was I hungry and ready to get out into the sunshine! This morning I crawled out of my den and went right to work hunting for something to drink. I was so thirsty that I even ate a little bit of left over snow until I could get to the river.  I stayed at the river most of the day and caught several salmon and drank lots of water. Now most humans think I hunt and eat meat most of the time.  But, that is not really true.  I mean, yeah I do like really, really like fish and small mammals but mostly I eat grass, roots, berries and even insects. I am omnivorous!  You see, I have to eat all the time.  My main job during the warm months is to get myself fattened up so that I can survive  the long winter in my den. I do have about 6 -8 months to get ready but the more I can eat the better!


April 6 -

When I woke up this morning thinking how lucky I was to be living in Yellowstone National Park.  I mean, I know it can get really, really, really cold here sometimes - well actually a lot of the time but it sure is pretty.  My thick, beautiful fur coat helps keep me warm.  Did you know that I am really a Brown Bear.  I am just a special type of Brown Bear called a Grizzly.  This is because my fur coat has tips of silver or white at the end and it looks kind of grizzled. Another interesting thing is that I am actually not brown, I am kind of blond. Funny, huh? Well, some of my buddies are brown and some are even black.  We all look a little different. 

Now one thing I don't like about living in Yellowstone is all the visitors!  Actually, I am cool with them visiting my park.  It is just that sometimes we don't realize they are there and they scare us.  I remember this one time that I was walking with my mom and we spotted some humans on the trail.  Well, my mom freaked out! She wouldn't take her eyes off of them.  She goes a little crazy when she thinks someone is going to mess with her cubs.  (You wouldn't think that she could run fast because she is so big. But, you would be wrong!  She can fly!  I have seen her get up to about 35 miles an hour.) Thank goodness these humans were smart and stayed far away from us.  After a bit mom calmed back down.

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